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Need of YIC
Interview with Sri NV Raghuram about Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (VYASA) Yoga Instructor’s Certificate Courses (YIC).
An interview with Sri. N.V Raghuram.
Vegetarianism with Yoga
1. Is yoga promoting vegetarianism due to ahimsa principle?
2. Can vegetarians get enough nutrients?
3. The aspects of becoming vegetarian : economical, technological, consciousness. Lets hear to Sri NV Raghuram who is the chairman of Yoga Bharati.
An interview with Sri. N.V Raghuram.
Basics of Yoga Therapy.
Sri NV Raghuramji gives the answers to the questions what yoga therapy is, how it works, role of a yoga therapist and also if yoga therapy denies modern medicine.
An interview with Sri. N.V Raghuram.
Yogasanas v/s physical exercises.
Sri NV Raghuram answers the questions:
1. Is asana originated as a meditation postures only?
2. What is the difference between physical excercise and asana? Can we use them interchangebly?
3. do we need to practice different asanas everyday, or is it ok to practice the same asanas?
4. Is it enough to practice yogasanas once in a week?
5. Is the sequence of asanas important?
6. how long should each asana session last?
An interview with Sri. N.V Raghuram.