“Yoga does not start or end on your mat, but it is present in every breath you take “, says Evita Ocher so get started with your day with Yoga and work flawlessly. Sometimes it is not possible to cont
You are now ready to face a challenge against yourself. The challenge is that, with yoga you are growing better and better day after day. Always remember- if you are tired learn to rest not to quit. &
Food and Yoga are always together into business, it is the business of overall develoment. They are two inseparable amenities. So it is esssential to balance both of these. Focus on food too, because
Meditation provides at least a short-term performance improvement even in novice meditators. In long term meditators, multiple hours spent in meditation are associated with a significant decrease in t
Need of YIC Interview with Sri NV Raghuram about Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (VYASA) Yoga Instructor’s Certificate Courses (YIC). An interview with Sri. N.V Raghuram. Vegetarianism with Yoga 1.